Quick wins to help you stay safe from digital pickpockets

Digital identity thieves are using RFID scanners and skimmers in public places to steal your credit card or passport information without you knowing until your identity has been stolen and the damage is done. These devices are surprisingly easy to obtain, and scammers are growing ever more creative in using them to tamper with equipment such as ATMs or card readers. It only takes a few seconds to steal your information with a digital scanner or skimmer.
Identity fraud hit a record number of UK citizens in 2018. While your credit card may provide limited protection from fraud, it’s a fact that debit card holders have even less protection against theft because a bank account can be depleted in minutes. Passports also contain all your personal information.
Here are our tips to help you safeguard your credit cards, wallet, and digital identity.
- If your passport or credit cards are RFID-equipped, there are several products on the market to help prevent you from becoming a victim of pickpocketing or ID theft. Passport holders or wallets with integrated RFID safe technology, will stop any device from reading the information on your card or passport, keeping them secure.
- If your passport or credit cards are RFID-equipped, there are several products on the market to help prevent you from becoming a victim of pickpocketing or ID theft. Passport holders or wallets with integrated RFID safe technology, will stop any device from reading the information on your card or passport, keeping them secure.
- Be on the lookout for card-scanning devices that appear to have been tampered with. ATMs, pay-at-the pump service stations, small stores and restaurants amongst other places can be targeted by scammers. If something looks suspicious, use another method to pay. Make cash withdrawals from within your bank, pay at the counter when you purchase your fuel and never let your card out of your sight.
- Take care when using public wi-fi networks or mobile devices for transactions in public places and of course, always use strong passwords on all your accounts and change them often.
- Monitor your credit card statements for usual activity or errors. This may not actually prevent thieves from stealing information from your card, but, monitoring your statements regularly will help you and the credit card company identify any unauthorised purchases and can limit your potential losses.